This series includes tips from five of the most popular authors on Firm of the Future, with their advice on what you an accomplish in 15 minutes or less to improve your firm and yourself. Get another tip here.
A goods night’s rest is essential to better productivity in the workplace. I know I like to burn the midnight oil, but I also figured out that getting a least seven hours of sleep helps me stay focused during the day, and prevents me from reaching for a second or third cup of coffee. So, here are three things I do to ensure I get to bed at a reasonable hour:
- Writing a to-do list before I leave the office helps me clear my head.
- Take a hot shower at night helps me relax and wash off the stress of the day.
- I listen to the Pzizz app on my AcousticSheep SleepPhones to help me drift off easily and wake up refreshed.