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How to help your clients access HR services through QuickBooks

It’s common for small business owners to wear many hats, including the human resources hat. They attempt to take on HR responsibilities or delegate them to employees with no HR training. In fact, according to ADP, 70% of businesses surveyed expect employees with little to no HR experience to manage workforce responsibilities, and 81% of these employees say they aren’t confident in their HR skills. When they need help, they look to an external accountant or payroll provider for assistance.

These stats don’t paint a promising picture for small business owners hoping to grow their businesses and stay compliant with labor laws. As your clients’ trusted business advisor, you may find yourself in a tricky place. They may look to you for guidance, even if you don’t have HR experience. QuickBooks® Online Payroll can help.

Manage HR and payroll in one place

QuickBooks Online Payroll has partnered with Mammoth HR to provide critical HR services to you and your clients.1 QuickBooks Online Payroll Elite and Premium users can access the HR Support Center for tools and templates that help them run their businesses. They’ll find content and resources to keep their workforces safe, happy, and engaged.

The HR Support Center includes:

  • Company policy and job description libraries.
  • An employee handbook wizard.
  • On-demand HR training for managers and employees.
  • Insights on federal and state laws, minimum wage maps, and law finders.
  • Current, reliable content from HR experts, regarding healthcare reform, employee safety, technology and privacy, and more.

With QuickBooks Online Payroll Elite, users also get unlimited access to HR advisors when they need them. Clients can consult HR advisors by phone or online for additional guidance on critical HR issues. These advisors can also create custom handbooks and policies for Elite users. Mammoth keeps track of all past inquiries, so they know what’s going on in your clients’ businesses.

5 reasons why your clients should access HR services through QuickBooks Payroll

The HR services available with QuickBooks Online Payroll can help those who need HR support but can’t hire or outsource HR personnel. Even businesses with in-house HR departments can benefit from additional support.

1. They can get authoritative answers quickly

The HR Support Center is a central source for HR tools and resources, so it’s easy for business owners to get fast, authoritative answers to their HR questions. These tools and resources streamline processes for developing policies and employee handbooks, onboarding new employees, creating job descriptions, and more.

2. They can increase employee retention

When employees leave, they leave behind hefty costs. The average cost to hire a new employee is $4,000 per new hire, according to the Society of Human Resources Management, and 47% of HR leaders say employee turnover is their top workforce management challenge.

Content and training featured in the HR Support Center can help your clients find and hire the right employees. And they can keep those employees engaged and satisfied. Increased employee retention can reduce overhead costs down the road.

3. They can stay compliant with labor laws

Hiring, firing, and other employee management tasks can be complex. There are many employment laws to navigate when it comes to worker-management compliance. As a result, it’s easy to see why U.S.-based businesses faced a 12% chance of being hit with an employment claim in 2014.

With Mammoth HR, business owners can get the help they need to manage employees and protect their finances and reputations from costly lawsuits. Plus, handy dashboards in the HR Support Center and regular emails on timely HR topics keep your clients informed.

4. They can improve employee performance

When employers meet employees’ needs, employees are happier and more engaged. Building and sustaining a dynamic, engaging, and compelling workplace culture can be a huge competitive advantage in any industry. The HR Support Center provides resources and training on topics like employee appreciation and company values. And it helps small business owners facilitate discussions on diversity, inclusion, and discrimination.

5. They can resolve conflicts fast

HR advisors can act as consultants when tough situations arise. HR advisors can help business owners make hard decisions and act in the best interest of their businesses and employees.

3 ways QuickBooks Payroll and Mammoth HR benefit your firm

Today, small business owners are facing new challenges regarding HR policies. HR support through QuickBooks Online Payroll Premium and Elite can position your firm as an all-inclusive business advisor. That’s on top of the key payroll and financial services you provide.

1. It’s a key service for your clients when they need it most

Thousands of business owners across the country are dealing with the economic effects of the coronavirus. Many of them are taking the first steps towards resuming regular operations. They’re revising their sick-leave policies, enacting remote-work policies, and implementing employee assistance programs. QuickBooks Online Payroll, paired with Mammoth HR, allows you to provide resources for your clients when they need them, no matter the circumstances.

2. It takes the burden of HR decisions off your shoulders

An HR team is responsible for understanding and enforcing employment law and regulatory requirements within a company. Employment law is a complex landscape. Failing to comply could have expensive consequences for your clients. That’s why it’s so important to recruit the help of true HR professionals. Mammoth HR takes those HR decisions (and any potential liability) off your plate.

3. It’s a free resource for your firm

You already have access to QuickBooks Online Payroll Elite with the added benefit of Mammoth HR. You and your firm can enjoy peace of mind knowing you have a team of HR professionals at your service. Plus, you’ll have a chance to learn more about the HR tools available to you before recommending them to your clients.

We provide third-party links as a convenience and for informational purposes only. Intuit does not endorse or approve these products and services, or the opinions of these corporations or organizations or individuals. Intuit accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content on these sites.

1HR support: Provided by experts at Mammoth, Inc. See Mammoth’s privacy policy and Terms of Use. The HR support center is available only to QuickBooks Online Premium and Elite subscriptions. HR Advisor support is only available in QuickBooks Online Payroll Elite. HR support is not available to accountants who are calling on behalf of their clients. HR support is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute legal or tax advice.

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