It's that time of the year again! It’s time for you to cast your vote in Insightful Accountant's search for the 2023 Top 100 ProAdvisors, the 2023 ProAdvisor Categorical Awards, the 2023 ProAdvisor of the Year, the 2023 Up-n-Coming ProAdvisors, and the Top Up-n-Coming ProAdvisor for 2023.
This is your opportunity to help determine who should be included in this year's lists of recognized ProAdvisors. In the end, one highly qualified individual ultimately will be recognized as Insightful Accountant's 2023 ProAdvisor of the Year.
Voters may cast a single ballot for up to three ProAdvisors from the combined list of qualified applicants.
Ballots must be completed at the time they are started. Voters cannot save and return to a ballot form. Incomplete ballots will be disqualified.
Voting closes May 26, 2023, at 23:59:59 (PST) unless otherwise published within Insightful Accountant.
More information and a full list of nominated ProAdvisors can be found here, along with a link to the ballot.